Dem Arrernte Mape

Dem Arrernte Mape is an ongoing project developed by William “Nookie” Lowah and Vito Lucarelli. It’s a collective of musicians who all express a want to create music and perform with a desire of amplifying Indigenous voices.

Dem Arrernte Mape began as a Red Hot Arts’ Project Seed program in 2023 and continues on outside of that funding.

Contact demarrerntemape (at) gmail (dot) com if you want to get involved in some way.

Photo: Sara Maiorino


Sequences 2 channels of triggers and CV signals with a focus on modifying regular musical rhythmic measures by less-regular not-so-musical integers. Think quintuplets, septuplets, nonuplets, etc.

2seqs is an avenue for me to learn how to code and experiment with embedded hardware systems. My plan is to put all documentation online after completion for free use.

work in progress



8 oscillator sawtooth drone box (swarm) that doubles as 8-step sequencer (sting) with a signal chain that features an AR envelope, tone control and CMOS overdrive. External inputs for clock, triggers, carry out and reset.

External input lets you run your equipment through the chain for a tremolo effect with changeable patterns and shapable rise and fall.

work in progress (on hold) >>


How Deep Is Your Wub?

2 reverse avalanche oscillator drone box with dual-wave LFOs, resonant low pass filter, tube distortion and a hacked up multi-fx board built for karaoke machines.



Ring modulator that meets square-wave oscillator housed inside a doll head (obviously). Effect a signal through the quarter-inch input or built-in microphone.

Also features CV inputs for volume, carrier pitch and balance.